Onpage SEO: an overview

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to settings you can apply on the website so that it is optimised for search engines. Some of the key on-page SEO areas to focus on include:

  • Top quality fresh and relevant content 
  • Optimised titles and descriptions
  • A clear, user-friendly navigation
  • Text formatting (use of H1, H2, Bold etc) to ensure naturally flowing hierarchy, which the Smart Little Web platform takes care of. 
  • Optimised internal & external links (no broken links or links to ‘bad’ sites)
  • Use of social sharing buttons
  • Fast loading pages, again Smart Little web takes care of this.

Our Platform already has many in-built SEO functions. 

Meta data

Our Platform automatically creates meta data, using the values from the content you provide on your website.

We create bespoke slugs/marketing-friendly URLs based on your page headings.  E.g. if you have a page entitled Services in Winchester, we will create a slug to reflect that: www.mybusiness.co.uk/services-in-winchester.  Therefore it's important that your page heading is relevant and clear.

Note: if you update your heading we update the marketing-friendly URL. We make sure that you don't get penalised by Google for doing this. Any old/past slugs that were created will now forward to your new page/heading and we notify Google of this.

Semantic HTML mark-up

We tell search engines that page headings are page headings and not just big bits of text, that a quote is a quote.

Advanced semantic micro-formatting

We go one step further and we explicitly tell search engines even more detail. For example, we tell them that your address is your address, your telephone number is your telephone number, your longitude is your longitude, that an event is an event, that the start time is the start time, that the date is the date and so on. 


We ensure that you have quickly loading pages and images to help improve your SEO ranking.


All of our websites are responsive across all devices, earning you more brownie points from Google. 

How can I influence SEO further on my Smart Little Web website? 

Our Platform has some inbuilt SEO functionality. However, on each page of your website you will have the option to go into your Page SEO Options, where you can override our inbuilt SEO and expand on your SEO parameters.

This will open up a new window where you can enter additional meta data and keywords to help boost your SEO performance.


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