Can I add a custom form to my webpage?

The simple answer is yes.

You may wish to build a custom form to collect specific information from visitors on your website, for example a date of birth, or you may wish to gather feedback, conduct a survey or enable application for a job.  

Whatever your requirement, there are a number of custom form builders out there - JotForm, Typeform, Formstack - allowing you to publish online forms anywhere, anytime without writing a single line of code. And most of them are free.

Once you have created your custom form you will need to access the code to copy across to your site. You can embed your form into a specific webpage by pasting your code into the Source code area of your Text Editor.

Alternatively, if you wish for your custom form to appear in the footer of your website, you can paste your code into the Custom footer section within the Page settings page of your workshop (please see the following article for details).

Don't forget to Save your changes in order to ensure that your form has been embedded within your website. 

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