In-built Smart Little Web SEO functions


How can I influence SEO further on my Smart Little Web website? 

On each page of your website you will have the option to go into your Page SEO Options, where you can override our inbuilt SEO and expand on your SEO parameters.

This will open up a new window where you can enter additional meta data and keywords to help boost your SEO performance.

URL friendly page names

In this box you can specify a 'slug' or pathway after the slash in your URL. For example:

You do not need to type the part of the URL that comes before the slash, only the bit after the slash, e.g. in the example above you'd only need to type 'about-us'.

Website best practice is to substitute spaces between words with hyphens, this makes it clear for search engines such as google to see what your page is about.

It's also best to make your website pathways as simple as possible, e.g. 'about-us' is much better than 'about-smart-little-web'.

A few more examples in the correct format that you might want to use on your pages are:






Meta titles

Meta title is the main title of your web page anywhere it is listed on the internet. It is the general title you are giving to Google, so it should summarise the content of that page. This is a very important place to use keywords that you're trying to rank on Google for, however it's also crucial that your meta title makes real sense and isn't just a bunch of keywords that have no value to the user.

Meta description is the longer description of the contents of that page. This is a very important place to use keywords that you're trying to rank on Google for, however it's also crucial that your description makes real sense and isn't just a bunch of keywords that have no value to the user.

Meta keywords

Meta tags tell Google what your page is about, it's best to use 3-4 keywords or key phrases that you wish to rank are (and that can be found within the content of your page). You should list them in a comma separated list. For example:

"coffee winchester, coffee roaster winchester, fresh coffee hampshire"




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