Adding social media 'sharing' buttons to your website

What are sharing buttons?

Sharing buttons help you to increase your audience by engaging with people who are not on your site.

Your visitors will have the option to share any particular page on your website on their social media profile.

This does not require you to have Facebook, Twitter or any other social media profiles but as long as your visitors do then they can simply click onto any social media icon and share your page with their followers....hopefully driving more traffic to your website.

How can I add sharing buttons to my website?

We recommend signing up to Add Thiswhich is a free service that allows you to create the right sidebar to suit your website. There are a number of layout options to choose from but, if you have no particular requirements, we would suggest opting for the Sharing Sidebar, as this will appear across all pages of your website and sit neatly on your page.

You can set a number of preferences, such as the number of buttons to display, and you can customise the order or change the theme.

Once you are happy with the way it looks, you can then copy the embed code and paste this into your workshop.

Click Save to confirm this action.

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