Populating your 'opening hours' page

This page is where you can specify your opening times for people visiting your website.

Opening information

Opening times free text

This is an area where you can add text to describe any specific or unusual opening arrangements.

If your business doesn't operate in normal opening hours, for example if you work 'by appointment' or only have very specific opening hours, it can be useful to give people an indication of the times you're available in here. 

You can also use this section to add any more general opening hours content, for example if you close at lunchtimes or have bank holiday and/or seasonal arrangements. 

By caveating your opening hours in this "free text" area it means that you can simply erase the "free text" content as soon as the relevant period of time has passed, rather than having to amend each day. 

You can leave this section blank, if you do not feel it's necessary.

Opening times 

This allows you to specify the specific opening hours each day. 

If you were to set Monday to be 9:30am to 5:30pm, for example, you can then click onto "apply to all days" to set these same hours across all days. Or, if your opening hours vary from day to day then you can set each day individually.

If you're closed on Saturday, for example, then you have the option to set the times as "closed". This will show the day as being "closed" in the list of opening hours.

If you were to select "not applicable" for any day then this would remove that particular day from the list that would appear on your website.  

Opening times display options

This section is where you can select where you would like your opening hours to appear on your website.

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