Populating your 'registered info' page

This is where you are able to input the key basic information that relates to your business. Once you've inputted all the information it's unlikely that you'll need to return to this page too often.

Registered company information

Trading name

Your trading name is the name that people refer to you as, on a day-to-day basis. You may have a longer business name - e.g. Limited - but that's not required here. It's not your official name but more the name that people know you by.

Please enter your trading name in the indicated field.

Additional registered company details

If you have a registered company you now have the option to add further information: your registered company type; your registered company number; and your registered company name.

Registered company address

Please enter your company address into this section.  

You will notice that next to the company address fields is a link to some "display options", allowing you to choose where you would like the information to sit.

It could work in your favour to display your registered details across all pages of your website. if you've gone to the trouble of registering your business then it will help to give any visitors to your site, who don't necessarily know you, a level of confidence that you are more credible over an unregistered business.

Adding a VAT number

You also have the option to add a VAT number.

Displaying this information, and allowing people to see your VAT status, is a subtle indicator that they can trust you more.

You will notice that next to the VAT number field is a link to some "display options", allowing you to choose where you would like the information to sit.

Don't forget to Save your changes before moving onto another page.

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